
As part of IEEE VIS’s ongoing unification effort, some positions on both the VIS Executive Committee (VEC) and VIS Steering Committee (VSC) are now directly elected by the VIS community. These elections give the community a voice in governance, allow community members to grow into positions of authority, and will hopefully ensure a diverse representation across all of VIS. See the IEEE VIS Charter for more details about the election process.

Register to Vote

Any person who has contributed to the VIS conference in some capacity (including attending, authoring, speaking, organizing, or providing financial support) in at least one previous conference year is considered eligible to vote. (However, participating for the first time in 2024 won’t confer eligibility until 2025). All registered voters from the previous year, including those who selected to register at the time of conference registration in 2023, will be automatically registered to vote, and new eligible voters can register by completing the VIS voter registration form.

Participating in the Election

The 2024 Election will run from September 15th to October 15th, with results announced at the conference. The VIS Elections chairs will conduct the election using the Belenios verifiable open-source voting system. Voting will be conducted using a ranked-choice process.

All registered voters will receive instructions outlining the voting procedure via email before the start of the voting period. Voters will then receive an email from Belenios containing a unique credential (generated by Belenios) and a link to the voting page. The election will use a ranked-choice model in which voters rank candidate(s) and the Condorcet-Schulze method is used to determine winners. In the extremely unlikely event of a tie, the Elections chairs will organize a follow-up runoff election to be completed no more than four weeks later and including only the tied candidates.

2024 Candidates

Please visit the VSC Candidates and VEC Candidates pages for bios and campaign statements from all candidates running in this year’s election.


Questions about the elections process can be directed to the VIS Elections Chairs at community@ieeevis.org.

VIS Elections, Community, and Meet-ups Chairs

  • Ali Sarvghad (University of Massachusstes Amherst)
  • Isaac Cho (Utah State University)
  • Georgia Panagiotidou (King’s College London)