Chart2Vec: A Universal Embedding of Context-Aware Visualizations
Qing Chen -
Ying Chen -
Ruishi Zou -
Wei Shuai -
Yi Guo -
Jiazhe Wang -
Nan Cao -
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DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2024.3383089
Room: Bayshore II
2024-10-17T12:54:00ZGMT-0600Change your timezone on the schedule page
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Representation Learning, Multi-view Visualization, Visual Storytelling, Visualization Embedding
The advances in AI-enabled techniques have accelerated the creation and automation of visualizations in the past decade. However, presenting visualizations in a descriptive and generative format remains a challenge. Moreover, current visualization embedding methods focus on standalone visualizations, neglecting the importance of contextual information for multi-view visualizations. To address this issue, we propose a new representation model, Chart2Vec, to learn a universal embedding of visualizations with context-aware information. Chart2Vec aims to support a wide range of downstream visualization tasks such as recommendation and storytelling. Our model considers both structural and semantic information of visualizations in declarative specifications. To enhance the context-aware capability, Chart2Vec employs multi-task learning on both supervised and unsupervised tasks concerning the cooccurrence of visualizations. We evaluate our method through an ablation study, a user study, and a quantitative comparison. The results verified the consistency of our embedding method with human cognition and showed its advantages over existing methods.