Conference Format for IEEE VIS 2024

With deadlines quickly approaching, you may be curious about the format of IEEE VIS 2024. VIS 2024 will be a hybrid event, but as we all know, that can mean many different things. As we considered possible formats, we tried to balance the desire to maximize the experience for in-person participants while weighing the importance of connecting to remote participants in our community. We also considered the cost, both dollars and work hours (we are all volunteers, after all), associated with the additional needs of a hybrid conference. Finally, we wanted to test a model that could be sustainable for future VIS conferences, which have different space and financial constraints than our own.

Our determination was that different aspects of the conference had differing needs: some portions would be zoom-hybrid, some would be streamed, some would be in-person only, and finally, some would be primarily virtual.

Full and short papers: Full and short papers will be split into in-person presenter-only and virtual presenter-only sessions.

  • In-person presenter-only sessions will be streamed, potentially with a time-delay. Q&A will be limited to in-person attendees.
  • Virtual presenter-only sessions will be hosted on Zoom, with Q&A available to all participants (remote and in-person). In addition to being streamed, each virtual session that occurs during normal conference hours will be played back in a room at the in-person conference.

» Authors of full and short papers will be required to make a commitment to the in-person or virtual track during their second-round submissions. «

Workshops, panels, and other associated events: Workshops, panels, and other associated events will be equipped with Zoom-hybrid capabilities at the conference. However, it will be up to the discretion of the organizers of each event to determine how these capabilities will be utilized.

Plenary Sessions: All plenary sessions, including the keynote, capstone, best papers, etc., will be streamed this year, potentially with a time-delay. As such, Q&A will be limited to in-person participants.

Posters, VISAP, meetups, etc.: The conference will support these events in-person only.

Finally, a note about registration—Each full and short paper accepted at IEEE VIS 2024 will be required to be presented by one of the authors, either in-person or virtually. All presenters are required to register as a speaker, irrespective of their mode of presentation. Additionally, diversity and inclusivity scholarships will be available to support the participation of speakers with financial needs.

There remain many details to be worked out, and we will continue to communicate those details as they become available. The general chairs remain open to your feedback and questions. We look forward to seeing you, in-person or virtually, at IEEE VIS 2024!

IEEE VIS 2024 General Chairs
Paul Rosen
Kristi Potter
Remco Chang