Short Paper Call for Participation

IEEE VIS 2025 solicits submissions in a short paper format. The Short Papers committee welcomes submissions describing original work and late-breaking research results. The work should focus on concise research contributions, incremental work such as follow-up extensions, evaluations of existing methods, replication studies, or exploratory work. The committee also welcomes papers describing new systems or tools that offer practical value.

Short Papers often fall into one or more of five main categories: technique or algorithm, system or tool, application or design study, empirical study, theory, or model. The contributions of a short paper should be commensurate with the short nature of the paper. Technique or algorithm papers should provide clear yet concise technical contributions. System or tool papers should state the value, articulate the target audience, and make an effort toward accessibility (e.g., software release). Papers focusing on visualization applications or design studies should demonstrate lessons learned or insights gleaned for visualization research on which future contributors can build. Empirical study papers should justify the validity and importance of the results, including, where appropriate, the definition of hypotheses, tasks, data sets, the rigorous collection and examination/analysis/coding of data, the selection of subjects and cases, as well as validation, discussion, and conclusions. Theory or model papers should illuminate how visualization techniques complement and exploit properties of human vision and cognition, as well as how researchers conduct effective and rigorous visualization studies.

The short paper submission deadline is later in the yearly conference cycle, creating an opportunity to showcase late-breaking research results.

Short Paper Examples:

Paper Type: Technique or Algorithm

Exact Analytical Parallel Vectors
Hanqi Guo, Tom Peterka
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2021 [Honorable Mention]

The Anatomical Edutainer
Marwin Schindler, Hsiang-Yun, Renata Georgia Raidou
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2020 [Best Paper]

Periphery Plots for Contextualizing Heterogeneous Time-Based Charts
Bryce Morrow, Trevor Manz, Arlene E. Chung, Nils Gehlenborg, David Gotz
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2019 [Best Paper]

Paper Type: System or Tool

Exploring D3 Implementation Challenges on Stack Overflow
Leilani Battle, Danni Feng, Kelli Webber IEEE VIS Short Papers 2022 [Best Paper]

Encodable: Configurable Grammar for Visualization Components
Krist Wongsuphasawat
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2020 [Honorable Mention]

Learning Vis Tools: Teaching Data Visualization Tutorials
Leo Yu-Ho Lo, Yao Ming, Huamin Qu
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2019 [Honorable Mention]

Paper Type: Application or Design Study

PRAGMA: Interactively Constructing Functional Brain Parcellations
Roza Gunes Bayrak, Nhung Hoang, Colin Blake Hansen, Catie Chang, Matthew Berger
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2020 [Honorable Mention]

Graph-assisted Visualization of Microvascular Networks
Pavel Govyadinov, Tasha Womack, Jason Eriksen, David Mayerich, Guoning Chen
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2019 [Honorable Mention]

Paper Type: Empirical Study

Semantic Resizing of Charts Through Generalization: A Case Study with Line Charts
Vidya Setlur, Haeyong Chung
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2021 [Honorable Mention]

Evaluating Ordering Strategies of Star Glyph Axes
Matthias Miller, Xuan Zhang, Johannes Fuchs, Michael Blumenschein
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2019

Evidence for Area as the Primary Visual Cue in Pie Charts
Robert Kosara
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2019

Paper Type: Theory or Model

Toward Systematic Considerations of Missingness in Visual Analytics
Maoyuan Sun, Yue Ma, Yuanxin Wang, Tianyi Li, Jian Zhao, Yujin Liu, Ping Shou Zhong IEEE VIS Short Papers 2022 [Honorable Mention]

Jurassic Mark: Inattentional Blindness for a Datasaurus Reveals that Visualizations are Explored, not Seen
Tal Boger, Steven Most, Steven Franconeri
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2021 [Best Paper]

Characterizing Automated Data Insights
Po-Ming Law, Alex Endert, John Stasko
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2020

Knowing what to look for: A Fact-Evidence Reasoning Framework for Decoding Communicative Visualization
Sahaj Vaidya, Aritra Dasgupta
IEEE VIS Short Papers 2020

Submission Guidelines:

Short papers can be up to four pages plus up to one page of references. Submissions will be in the VGTC conference two-column format, in line with the IEEE VIS formatting guidelines.

Short Papers allow single-blind (not anonymized) or double-blind (anonymized) submissions while reviewers’ identities are not revealed. Authors may choose whether to anonymize their submission or not. Double-blind submissions must NOT include author names or institutions on the cover page of the initial submission, and authors should make an effort to ensure that there is no revealing information in the text, such as apparent citations to authors’ previous work, or making acknowledgments to colleagues of long standing.

Publication Details:

Accepted short papers will be presented at the VIS conference. They will also be included in the conference proceedings and published in IEEE Xplore and assigned a DOI.

Authors of accepted short papers may subsequently submit to TVCG a full paper on the same topic, consistent with the TVCG standard requiring that papers previously published in conference proceedings make additional substantial scientific contributions that build upon the material of the conference publication or include this material as a part of a larger research effort. The authors are encouraged to mention this in their cover letter, provide a copy of the previous conference submission, and outline the added contributions. Providing these materials will help TVCG reviewers to better gauge the scientific value of the work and defuse any possible misconceptions. TVCG papers, including the ones presented as VIS short papers, can be presented at IEEE VIS.

Scientific work builds naturally on previous work, including work published as a short paper at VIS. Accepted VIS short papers can contribute to VIS full paper submissions in a future year. But, such submissions should not contain verbatim copies of previous content. Furthermore, any subsequent full paper submission to VIS must represent a novel scientific contribution.

Preliminary Dates (to be confirmed):

  • Submission Deadline: April 30, 2025 (no separate abstract deadline)
  • Notification: June 17, 2025
  • Submission of Camera-Ready Final Version: July 1st, 2025

All deadlines are at 11:59pm (23:59) AoE Anywhere on Earth (AoE).

Vis Short Paper Co-Chairs:

  • Charles Perin, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Julian Tierny, CNRS, Sorbonne University, France
  • Cagatay Turkay, University of Warwick, UK
  • Jiazhi Xia, Central South University, China
